The Chapel Hosts a Booth at the Otsego County Fair!

July ended and August kicked off with the Chapel hosting a booth at the Otsego Country Fair, right around the corner from the Chapel! In addition to being a lot of fun, it was a terrific way for us to meet lots of new people and to share with them the amazing story of Orthodoxy as well as to introduce them to the Chapel! With the amazing icon of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ serving as the backdrop, we thank God for the many people who came together to make this week possible, beginning with the indefatigable work of our coordinators, John and Anne, to flowers from Amelia, set-up by Kevin and hosting by Mary and Katherine, Martha, Paul, George, and Elijah, Augustine, Carter, Rob and Elizabeth, and Mat. Photini, and to the many others who dropped by! Glory to God!